Sunday, May 19, 2013

Conversing with a 4 year old

We spent the weekend at the beach on a high school beach retreat. Our 4 year old had a blast getting to hang out with all the older kids and leaders.  One night, she hopped into one of the leader's laps to have a chat. Here's how the conversation went:
Leader "what is the best thing in life?"
Daughter "people"
Leader  "what is the worst thing in life?"
Daughter "boo boos"
Leader "if you could do anything for a day, what would it be?"
Daughter "I'd play"
At this point in his recounting of the conversation, I was feeling pretty good about her cute answers. And then he kept going ...
Daughter "and I'd pee in my pants"
Mom of the year ...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Here's my number, so call me maybe?

First off, I want to say "Happy Mothers' Day" to all the amazing moms out there!  I'm sure many of you are wondering how the "Mom of the Year" celebrates such an important holiday.  Well, I started the day with a solo run (ahhh ... ) then spent the next hour getting three children ready for church (aghhh!!!).  After that ruckus, I was ready for a break so we dropped them all off at nursery and headed for the coffee shop (yes, we are those people that spend Sunday school hour at the local coffee shop).  I was kind enough to leave my phone number with the baby room since he is only 3 months old and still exclusively breastfed.  About halfway into my coffee date with my husband, I realized that I had left "said" phone in the diaper bag ... in the nursery room.  I sipped a little quicker and headed back to check out the scene.  Fortunately no babies or old ladies rocking babies were permanently scarred today.
Mom of the year ...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Locked in or out?

So as expected, playing zone defense has been occupying most of my time these days, leaving little time to blog about my many award-winning performances at motherhood.  I am, however, accumulating lots of material between my sleep deprivation and thinning patience.  After a particularly  long day recently, my 4 year old daughter decided to lead a rebellion against me.  As of late, she has been my easiest child but that night, nothing was easy.  I finally asked her to stay in her room to scream her head off instead of having to listen to her cry for no good reason.  I shut the door but she kept opening it and coming out.  So I did what my instincts told me ... I locked the door and shut it.  It was at that moment that I realized I had not locked her in but had instead locked myself out.  Oops!  Fortunately, it unlocked as soon as she turned the knob again to escape her room.
Mom of the year ...