Our daughter woke up that morning fussy and as hot as fire. Knowing my husband would suggest postponing the party if I told him she had a fever, I elected not to take her temperature and we went on about our day of preparations. She napped that afternoon before the party so I hoped she would wake up in a better mood. No such luck. She was still on fire and just as unhappy. As guests started trickling in, she seemed more and more uneasy with the large crowd forming around her. Finally, the time came for the party girl to smash cake in her face, just like every other 1 year old seems to do. Well, my daughter wanted nothing to do with the cake or the crowd of folks staring at her. She screamed bloody murder through the entire "Happy Birthday" song, all recorded on video.
That night, I decided to check her temperature before putting her to bed. It was 102. A week later, at her 1 year doctor's appointment, the pediatrician told us it looked like she was just getting over an ear infection.
Mom of the year ...