Monday, September 17, 2012

Back at it again

There are very few things in life where recurrent failures do not discourage one from continuing to persevere.  Motherhood is one of those.  Just when I am most worried that I am completely sabotaging two very innocent lives, I find out we are adding a third life into the mix.  Yes, Mom of the Year is pressing on despite the challenges of motherhood into previously uncharted territory ... zone defense.  I know other moms have gone before me, and succeeded.  However, it is my amazing track record that has me most worried about this new adventure (see previous posts).  I am taking bets as to how many hours per day are "tear-free"... yes, including my tears.  The good news is I have started my new job and am no longer a PICU fellow working long hours.  The bad news is I have started my new job and am no longer a PICU fellow working long hours.  Less work equals more family time and while I love time with my family, I also love Monday morning.

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